Sustainable Business Modelling

Sustainability is an increasingly important issue in our society, and companies play a fundamental role. Evaluating your company’s sustainability is only the first step to contributing to a fairer and more sustainable world. Get to work! To evaluate your company’s sustainability, it is necessary to carry out a feasibility analysis that allows you to know the strengths and weaknesses of your business model. It is essential to be rigorous in data collection and analysis to draw reliable conclusions. The feasibility analysis must be carried out periodically to detect and correct possible problems in time. Sustainability must be a constant concern in business management, not just an objective. 

Sustainable Business Modelling
Delivered by: CEED

A six-week program designed to help participants identify the best business model to run their business.

Sustainable Business Modelling
Delivered by: CEED

A seven-week program designed to guide you in deconstructing your initial business vision into a business model. If you are an innovator who has validated your idea, this is the next step before hitting your ignition switch. The outcome of this program is a sustainable business model design (assumption based) that you can pitch and start testing.

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Sustainable Business Modelling
The Phone Lady
Delivered by: Mary Jane Copps Telephone Talent Inc. (The Phone Lady)

A full-day workshop to guide participants to identify how many prospects they need to reach to meet their sales goals and then create the process for making this happen. They will define and refine how they sell and learn the necessary communication skills to consistently create revenue. New companies need to both generate revenue and service existing clients. This is a major challenge for new business owners. It demands the creation of a reliable sales process and the skills to execute the process.
