Welcome to our final lineup of Leveling It Up Courses! We’re thrilled that you’re interested in expanding your knowledge and skills with the Leveling It Up program by CEED. 

This is your last chance to take advantage of our LIU Course Offerings & get the opportunity to work with our amazing program partners! You don’t want to miss out so make sure to register for your courses ASAP.

Only eligible LIU participants can enroll in these Leveling It Up programs/workshops for FREE.

LIU Course Website Pictures (3)
Fully Align- Badge- Logo- Transparent (002)
Delivered by: Fully Align

Date(s): February 20, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Atlantic Time

This six-week course is created so that women in business show up for themselves on a personal level in order to create the business and work lifestyle that supports them, empowers them and creates aligned action within their soul that then transfers to their business and their teams. When all is aligned and women are connected to their inner wisdom, a creative spark ignites. As a business owner, women have that spark, but if the heart is not tended to regularly and truly seen, the world of business takes over and that is where burnout, anxiety, overwhelm, stress, etc... start to creep up. (1:1 coaching available)

LIU Course Website Pictures (1)
Delivered by: Investoready

Date(s): February 20, 2025   
Time: 2:00pm Atlantic Time

Date(s): March 6, 2025   
Time: 1:00pm Atlantic Time 

Introductory classes are 2:30 mins long and follow-on classes are 30 minutes weekly for ten to twelve weeks. This training prepares start-up founders to win venture capital by focusing on the crucial Investor Question & Answer session. If you are or will soon be pitching your business, marketing your services, or promoting your company to potential partners? This program will train you to differentiate your offering effectively, leverage in-person workshop online role-play in a Simulation Console, and immediate unbiased, industry-agnostic feedback about the founders

LIU Course Website Pictures (2)
legal essentials
Delivered by: Online Legal Essentials

Date(s): February 14, 2025 (holds every Friday)
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am Atlantic Time

This weekly group session will help program participants integrate and implement the program materials. The goal of the content is to give business owners the tools to create a solid legal foundation so that they have confidence as they start, grow, and scale their businesses. The content is consistently adapted to meet legal changes and the changing nature of doing business. These do not constitute legal advice.

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